BIL Visitors and Mappers

During disassembly, BAP lifts native binary instructions to a language-agnostic, intermediate representation: the BAP intermediate Language (BIL). In this post we look specifically at traversing and transforming BIL using BAP’s API. Lifted BIL code is represented as an AST data structure that can be traversed and transformed for the purposes of analysis.

BAP provides a plethora of method hooks for traversing BIL ASTs according to the visitor design pattern. OCaml’s object-oriented features allow us to realize these visitor patterns in an elegant and powerful way; however, for the unfamiliar, usage tends to be harder to grasp. This post serves to provide self-contained, explanatory examples that eases the introduction to the BIL visitor and mapper capabilities.

A full template is provided for each example at the end of this post–it may be used with the same example binary from previous posts.


A simple visitor

How do I use a BIL visitor to print BIL statements?

The following snippet accepts a list of bil_stmts and simply visits each statement in the list, printing it.

let visit_each_stmt bil_stmts =
  (object inherit [unit] Bil.visitor
    method! enter_stmt stmt state =
      Format.printf "Visiting %s\n" (Stmt.to_string stmt)
    end)#run bil_stmts ()


Visiting t_113 := RBP
Visiting RSP := RSP - 0x8:64
Visiting mem64 := mem64 with [RSP, el]:u64 <- t_113


  • We inherit the Bil.visitor class, which defines and provides our visitor callback hooks.
  • We make use of the enter_stmt callback. There are many such callbacks, for each language construct for BIL.
  • [unit] indicates the type of the state that we are passing along in our visitor; here, every time we enter a statement. This corresponds with the variable state for enter_stmt which we override.
  • The #run invocation operates over a stmt list by default.
  • We pass unit () as the initial state.
  • The return type of enter_stmt is that of our state: unit.

A visitor with state

How do I collect all the the jump (direct) targets in a list of BIL statements?

let collect_jumps bil_stmts =
  (object inherit [Word.t list] Bil.visitor
    method! enter_int x state = if in_jmp then x :: state else state
  end)#run bil_stmts []

Output (if we print the result):

Jmp: 0x40056E:64


  • This time, the visitor uses a Word.t list as user-supplied state which stores jump targets.
  • Our callback triggers every time we enter an int; essentially, a constant.
  • We determine that this constant is a jump target with the in_jmp predicate: this state is implicitly included with each visit. See the class state in the API for other information passed along visits.
  • Instead of in_jmp, we could of course have used a different hook: the provided enter_jmp callback.


A simple mapper

How do I use a BIL mapper to transform BIL code?

Our previous visitor inherited the BIL class 'a visitor, where 'a was our inherited user-supplied state. But there’s also class mapper. class mapper doesn’t carry any user-supplied state with it. With mapper, you can transform the BIL statements and expressions in the AST.

Let’s transform binary operations with some constant offset to an offset of 0x41. For instance:

RSP := RSP - 0x8:64


RSP := RSP - 0x41:64

Specifically, if we encounter the binary operator + or -, and its second operand is a constant, we rewrite the constant to be 0x41.

let offset_41_mapper bil_stmts =
  (object inherit Bil.mapper
    method! map_binop operator operand1 operand2 =
      match operator,operand2 with
      | Bil.PLUS,Bil.Int offset
      | Bil.MINUS,Bil.Int offset ->
        let new_operand2 = (Word.of_int ~width:64 0x41) in
        Bil.binop operator operand1 new_operand2
      | _ -> Bil.binop operator operand1 operand2
  end)#run bil_stmts in


t_113 := RBP
RSP := RSP - 0x41:64
mem64 := mem64 with [RSP, el]:u64 <- t_113


  • We inherit Bil.mapper.
  • We use map_binop instead of enter_binop.
  • We pattern-match against the BIL operators PLUS and MINUS, and pattern match the second operand against Bil.Int: if it matches, we rewrite the second operand and construct a new Bil.binop expression.
  • If we reach the _ case for pattern matching, nothing changes: we reconstruct the original expression using the same operator and operands.
  • No user-state is passed a long. The return type for each expression is exp.


A custom visitor

What is a custom visitor and how can I make one?

We can create our own subclassing visitor, i.e., we don’t have to use class ‘a visitor or class mapper. For instance, we can pass our own implicit state a long with a custom visitor (and still allow anyone else to define a user-supplied state variable). Here’s some quick syntax for defining your own visitor:

class ['a] custom_visitor = object
   inherit ['a * int list] Bil.visitor

Let’s define a custom_visit function:

let custom_visit bil_stmts =
  (object inherit [string] custom_visitor
    method! enter_stmt stmt state =
      Format.printf "Visiting %s\n" (Stmt.to_string stmt);
  end)#run bil_stmts ("user-defined",[1;2;3])


Visiting t_113 := RBP
Visiting RSP := RSP - 0x8:64
Visiting mem64 := mem64 with [RSP, el]:u64 <- t_113


  • Our visitor inherits only the type of our user-defined state: a string.
  • However, the inherited state variable in enter_stmt has type string * int list: the type defined in our custom_visitor class.
  • The int list is passed along any visitor we create using custom_vistor. This is useful if the int list state is changed by another function as we fold over BIL (for instance, for tracking depth in the AST, we might create a depth_visitor that maintains a depth of the current traversal, without the user having to define their own variable for doing so).


This post highlighted some basics of BIL visitor and mapper functionality, but there is a lot more to discover. For example, here are further extensions that are possible within the visitor framework:

  • Our examples used only a single callback method; of course, we can have multiple visit methods inside our visitor object.
  • Our examples have all invoked the traversal with #run. However, we can in fact visit any particular part of the BIL AST by replacing #run in previous examples with #enter_stmt, #enter_exp, #enter_binop, and so on: the only condition is that we supply these visits with the correct type. So, where #run accepts a stmt list, enter_exp expects an exp.
  • Our examples made use of enter_... visitors. However, every language construct also has additional visit_... and leave_... directives, depending on the need.
  • There are a host of BIL iterators that can be used in all sorts of imaginative ways: We can iterate, map, fold (and many more!) over BIL statements. For example, we can supply Bil.fold with a visitor object which is run over the AST with our own init state.
  • Many interesting BIL transformers exist, for example, a constant folder and expression substituter.
  • Have a look at the finder if you want a BIL visitor that searches for specific patterns in the AST.

Examples template

Visitor and mapper examples template

#use "topfind";;
#require "";;
open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std
open Or_error

let main () =
  Project.from_file Sys.argv.(1) >>= fun project ->

  let normalize = String.filter ~f:(function
      | '\t' | '{' | '}' -> false
      | _ -> true) in

  let syms = Project.symbols project in
  let main_fn = match Symtab.find_by_name syms "main" with
    | Some fn -> fn
    | None -> failwith "Could not find function main in symbol table"
  let entry_block = Symtab.entry_of_fn main_fn in
  let block_insns = Block.insns entry_block in

  (* visit_each_stmt *)
  let visit_each_stmt bil_stmts =
    (object inherit [unit] Bil.visitor
      method! enter_stmt stmt state =
        Format.printf "Visiting %s\n" (Stmt.to_string stmt)
    end)#run bil_stmts ()

  List.iter block_insns ~f:(fun (_,insn) ->
      let bil = Insn.bil insn in
      visit_each_stmt bil);

  (* collect_jumps *)
  let collect_jumps bil_stmts =
    (object inherit [Word.t list] Bil.visitor
      method! enter_int x state = if in_jmp then x :: state else state
    end)#run bil_stmts []

  List.iter block_insns ~f:(fun (_,insn) ->
      let bil = Insn.bil insn in
      collect_jumps bil |> List.iter
        ~f:(fun word -> Format.printf "Jmp: %a\n" Word.pp word));

  (* offset_41_mapper *)
  let offset_41_mapper bil_stmts =
    (object inherit Bil.mapper
      method! map_binop operator operand1 operand2 =
        match operator,operand2 with
        | Bil.PLUS,Bil.Int offset
        | Bil.MINUS,Bil.Int offset ->
          let new_operand2 = (Word.of_int ~width:64 0x41) in
          Bil.binop operator operand1 new_operand2
        | _ -> Bil.binop operator operand1 operand2
    end)#run bil_stmts in

  List.iter block_insns ~f:(fun (_,insn) ->
      let bil = Insn.bil insn in
      let new_bil =
        offset_41_mapper bil in
      Format.printf "41-Bil: %s\n" (Bil.to_string new_bil |> normalize));

  return ()

  let () =
    try main ()
        |> function
        | Ok o -> ()
        | Error e -> Format.printf "BAP error: %s\n" @@ Error.to_string_hum e
    | Invalid_argument _ ->
      Format.printf "Please specify a file on the command line\n"

Custom visitor template

#use "topfind";;
#require "";;
open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std
open Or_error

(* custom_visitor *)
class ['a] custom_visitor = object
   inherit ['a * int list] Bil.visitor

let main () =
  Project.from_file Sys.argv.(1) >>= fun project ->

  (* custom_visit *)
  let custom_visit bil_stmts =
    (object inherit [string] custom_visitor
      method! enter_stmt stmt state =
        Format.printf "Visiting %s\n" (Stmt.to_string stmt);
    end)#run bil_stmts ("user-defined",[1;2;3])

  let syms = Project.symbols project in
  let main_fn = match Symtab.find_by_name syms "main" with
    | Some fn -> fn
    | None -> failwith "Could not find function main in symbol table"
  let entry_block = Symtab.entry_of_fn main_fn in
  let block_insns = Block.insns entry_block in

  List.iter block_insns ~f:(fun (mem,insn) ->
      let bil = Insn.bil insn in
      custom_visit bil |> Pervasives.ignore);

  return ()

  let () =
    try main ()
        |> function
        | Ok o -> ()
        | Error e -> Format.printf "BAP error: %s\n" @@ Error.to_string_hum e
    | Invalid_argument _ ->
      Format.printf "Please specify a file on the command line\n"