Path between two nodes.
path is a walk without repetitions
type 'e t = 'e path
representation type
val start : 'e t -> 'e
start p
the starting edge of a path p
val finish : 'e t -> 'e
finish p
the last edge of a path p
val edges : 'e t -> 'e Regular.Std.seq
edges p
a sequence of edges from start to finish
val edges_rev : 'e t -> 'e Regular.Std.seq
edges_rev p
a reversed sequence from finish to start
val weight : 'e t -> int
weight p
total weight of a path
val length : 'e t -> int
amount of edges in a path
val pp : 'a Regular.Std.printer -> 'a t Regular.Std.printer
pp pp_elt
constructs a pretty based on element printer pp_elt